There is no second opinion, among all schools of thought, that unity is what makes us human. Together, we can achieve sublime things that are beyond the reach of an individual. Look back at the history of mankind and you will see that our ancestors have achieved sublime things in this world because of unity. Whenever they have fallen apart, things have not worked for them.
Plato, the greatest ancient philosopher, was unable to achieve his idealogy of an ideal state because the people of his time were corrupt. Likewise, Nelson Mandella succeeded in his dream – where white kids will be playing with black kids – was successful because there was unity behind his mission. As a great leader, Mandela was successful in bringing people together. This ‘togetherness’ alone was responsible for the success of his mission.

Thus, communities that live in unity witness the greatest achievements. And people who try to stand alone, get buried in history and history forgets them.
With that said, togetherness is a hallmark of success on the planet. In every facet of life, if we are united, we can achieve whatever we want. From getting our basic rights to developing as a nation, everything can be possible. We, human beings, are social animals – as the old-goers used to say. This means that we can not live without each other. It is in lifting others with us that we find the real meaning of happiness and life itself.

Here are some profound quotes about togetherness and unity:
“Unity Without Verity (Truth) is only a Conspiracy”
This quote comes from John Trap, a famous writer and scholar of the 21st century. What John Trap is saying is that to be united, people must be driven by truth and not falsehood. Thus, the baseline of togetherness should be to reach the truth (of something or some incidence.)

So, if a group of people gets together for truth, there is no boundary in the world that they can not cross. Consequently, everything can be achieved if a group of people stands up for the truth – and against falsehood.
Unity is Strength!
Another inspirational quote on togetherness comes from Winston Churchill, a former British statesman and prime minister of the U.K. “We are as weak as we are divided; and as strong as united,” he said.
According to the former prime minister of the United Kingdom, no one can succeed in life without unity. Unless we are not united, we can not succeed, is what Winston Churchill is actually saying.
Other Quotes on Unity & Togetherness
Here are some other quotes on togetherness and unity – as they are the hallmark of a successful society:
– Spiders can tie down a lion when they are united. An ancient Japanese proverb
– The fate of all (the actions) determines the conduct of everyone. Alexander the Great
– Strength lies in unity as unity is the unbeaten power in the world. Anonymous