Allergies are common. You may even know a handful of people who are allergic to one thing or the other, be it peanuts, dust, pollen, etc. There’s a wide range of allergens that can trigger an allergic reaction. Sometimes, these allergic reactions can stir up at uncomfortable times, and they can get hard to manage without proper medical attention.

What Are Allergies And Allergic Reactions?
Before looking into allergies and allergic reactions, you must understand the cause behind them. Allergies are caused by allergens, which can be a foreign substance that comes into contact with your body through inhalation, injection, skin contact, or in your meal.
Common allergens are dust, peanuts, pollen, insect bites, certain foods, and even some medication. These allergens create an allergic reaction which is caused by the body reacting to the foreign substance entering it. Allergic reactions could be anything from sneezing to coughing to breaking out in hives and rashes.

Types Of Allergy Testing
If they suspect you of any allergies when speaking with a doctor, they will most likely conduct an allergy test. There are few types of allergy tests mentioned below:
1. Blood Test
This simple test will require the doctor to take a sample of your blood and examine it. When the lab results come back, they will measure the number of immunoglobulin antibodies which are also referred to as allergy antibodies, and compare them with specific allergens measured.
2. Skin Test
This test requires the allergist to test for allergies right off your skin. They usually select your forearm as a target and use it to observe what allergens your body reacts to. This test is fairly quick, and you can instantly get an idea of what to avoid.
Why Is It Important To Get Allergy Testing?
Allergy testing, as the name suggests, is a series of tests conducted to identify potential allergens like dust, food items, insect bites, or anything that can cause allergy. These tests can be a lifesaver or at least save you from getting yourself in a sticky situation.

Being aware of your allergies can not only help you prevent them but can also keep you prepared in case someone around you gets an allergic reaction. Let’s be honest, watery eyes and sneezing continuously isn’t fun, so you’d rather avoid getting into situations like this in the first place.